Lungs in Action Refresher CPD Package


SKU: PT031 Categories: ,


Accredited Lungs in Action Instructors Only

Purchases are limited to 1 enrolment per transaction. If you wish to purchase more than 1 enrolment, please phone Lung Foundation Australia on 1800 654 301 and a quote can be organised. 


15 ESSA CPD Points

2 AUSactive CEC Points


The Lungs in Action Refresher CPD Package was developed in collaboration with existing instructors to provide opportunity for instructors to review modules form the initial theory training course and learn new skills through an online information and Q & A session.

Although the training is not mandatory, it is highly recommended for instructors who have been in operation more than three years.

The package includes:

  • access to an online information hub containing a suite of resources relevant to exercise rehabilitation
  • a course workbook
  • a one-hour information session on a topic of interests led by an experienced clinician
  • an online Q & A session providing opportunity to ask scenario-based questions to a panel of clinicians
  • access to review updated content from the instructor theory training
  • the opportunity to be partnered with a local pulmonary cardiac mentor.